In 2 Peter 2, Peter takes time to warn the church about false teachers and their destruction. Destruction and confusion are the fruit of false teachers. Before you readily take in well-crafted words of someone, consider their ways; what is the fruit of their life? It's easy to catfish anybody online these days because anyone can present a version of themselves that looks impeccable, relatable, and admirable - where's their fruit at?
Here are 5 signs of a false teacher.
They Deceive and Are Deceived
2 Peter 2:1, "....secretly bring destructive heresies.:
Secretly. Subtle. Not transparent.
These people are usually lone rangers, charlatans, and hype-guys. They talk a great game. They give the impression they're accountable, covered and transparent, but they operate in secrecy.
Here's the tragic thing - these people more often than not, actually believe their own deception. They don't just deceive - they are deceived!
What they sell sounds sooo satisfying, so attractive, but make no mistake; it's a pyramid scheme and it will enslave you. (See what I did there?)
2. They Promise What They Can't Deliver
2 Peter 2:3, "By covetousness (strong desire to have what someone else has) they will exploit you with deceptive words."
If someone has to promise you something, anything, that is a problem. If someone's vocabulary is working overtime, take a step back and ask yourself this, "Do their words and walk match up?"
The gospel they present is all about me, myself and I. Self-gratification is at its core. They woo, they flatter.... they're nice!
REMINDER: the Message Jesus brought was the Gospel of transformation, not affirmation.
3. They're Full of Pride and Hate Authority
2 Peter 2:10-11, "....They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of authority."
Humility is far from them. They'll not hesitate to speak ill of another leader if it paints them in a positive light.
This is huge. That someone is not afraid to speak evil of authority is scary. Usually, it's masked with a false "concern" for people but know this, if they speak evil of someone to you, they'll have no problem speaking ill about you.
Pride doesn't champion others because it's too busy trying to be the champion.
4. They're Advocates For Happiness Over Holiness
2 Peter 2:13, "....having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls."
They don't lead; they entice; false promises, smooth talk that feels too good to be true.
Jesus didn't die so we can do what we want to do, He died so that we would do what He wants us to do.
Holiness; set apart, consecration - this means more often than not we deny the flesh not satisfy it.
False teachers appeal to the flesh. They promote individual happiness over holiness.
5. They Say a Whole Lot of Nothing
2 Peter 2:18, "....they speak great swelling words of emptiness."
WORDS [should] create WORLDS.
False teachers are clouds without rain, hype without hope, opinions without example, and instruction without integrity. NOISE!
Be careful whose seed you allow to land on the soil of your heart.
Destruction is ultimately the fruit of false teachers; they divide churches, discredit people and dilute the Gospel.