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Two Life-Changing Conversations

Most of my issues stem from conversations I have with myself. Self-talk is less a psychological exercise and more an internal reality that shapes our lives more than we’d care to admit. I often find myself going down mental trails so far and wonder, “How on earth did I get here?”

The challenge for us as believers is that we have an enemy, an adversary who sows seeds of doubt, offence and anything else he can to create some distance between us and the Father. Words are our future in seed form and in life we don’t get what we want, we get what we sow. So the issue of self-talk is magnified because we’re not just venting or airing our frustrations to “get it out of my system”, we’re sowing seed!

King David came back from battle on one occasion to find his family and all of his soldiers families had been stolen along with all of their valuable property. His men were hurt, angry and began talking of stoning David.

David’s closest friends turned on him, emotions were high. I wonder what went through his mind in that moment? “Oh my gosh I’ve blown it this time. How did I not see that coming?” “I’ve lost everything I can’t go on!”

  1. A Conversation With God

God can handle your pain and frustration - let Him have it. Be brutally honest. My friend Andy Gamble often says, “God can’t bless who you want to be, only who you are.” We don’t need to put a filter on our lives to be more presentable to God. He loves you - good, bad and ugly!

When all hell breaks loose and your emotions and feelings are running wild the most important, life-changing conversation you can have is with God. Get His perspective on your life. Get rid of those labels people have put on you and see yourself as He sees you.

You are loved.

You are favoured.

You are victorious.

You are hope-filled.

You are righteous.

When we see ourselves as He sees us it empowers us to live as He sees us.

  1. A Conversation With Yourself

The bible gives us a glimpse to David’s response in 1 Samuel 30:6.

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”

Don’t let your feelings get in the driving seat. Feelings and emotions are excellent indicators but terrible dictators. Speak to your soul and so seeds on hope into your future, “I am more than a conqueror!”


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